Behavior Improvement.

The theoretical basis of Positive Action describes how student behavior is affected by different streams of influence: intrapersonal, social context, and cultural-environmental. By design, Positive Action teaches students how to interact with each of these domains in a healthy way.

Units 1, 2 and 3 help students during an important period of self-discovery. Unit 4 focuses on social interactions and reinforces positive social skills. Units 5 and 6 help students recognize that their strengths and weaknesses are relative to their cultural-environmental domain.

The TAF Circle simplifies this theory for students in a meaningful way, and the main curriculum Kits make it easy for Teachers to introduce it to their classrooms.

When used in conjunction with the School Climate Development Curriculum, the positive learning environment created by educators will extend beyond the classroom and follow all students onto the playground and into the rest of the school. There are also behavior management strategies that can offer valuable insights into effective behavior management techniques for teachers and parents alike, which can be applied alongside the curriculum to ensure a supportive and nurturing environment for all students. By implementing the strategies discussed in the article, educators and caregivers can promote positive behaviors and reduce disruptive behaviors in children.

As the implementation grows, educators can begin adding supplemental Kits to their efforts and include counselors, community and family members. When all these components are integrated, students’ behavior will improve significantly. Discipline referrals, bullying and fighting will decline, and the school climate will improve.