Jan 07 2021

26 Teachers Goals and Objectives for 2021 (A Complete List)

Positive Action Staff
Explore 26 actionable goals for teachers in 2021: enhance student development, school climate, staff training, and community involvement. Boost education holistically.

Examples of Teachers Goals and Objectives

Student Academic and Behavioral Development

  1. To improve students’ academic performance
  2. To instill students with intrinsic motivation to learn
  3. To assist the school, i.e., administrators, teachers, students and support staff, to reach their academic and behavioral benchmarks and goals
  4. To instill Positive Action principles into students’ cognitive, affective and behavioral learning domains
  5. To contribute to the teaching and achieving of core performance standards and outcomes - To improve students’ behavior
  6. To develop students’ character
  7. To develop well-rounded students: including physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally
  8. To develop thinking skills, and the use of the six units as a framework for thinking
  9. To promote good mental health in students

School-Wide Climate

  1. To assist the school, i.e., administrators, teachers, students and support staff, to reach their academic and behavioral benchmarks and goals
  2. To achieve a violence and drug free school
  3. To create a positive learning environment throughout the school
  4. To teach that all activities and curriculum in the school are positive actions, including content area learning (reading, writing, math, etc.)

Training and Staff Development

  1. To develop teachers who use positive approaches to instruction and classroom management
  2. To develop administrators who use positive approaches to leading and school management
  3. To develop a support staff who use positive approaches to supporting students and school personnel
  4. To understand research-based theories of learning, education, behavior change, and their relationships to Positive Action

Parents and Community Involvement

  1. To involve parents in their children’s education
  2. To involve community members in education by providing support and resources to the school
  3. To involve community members in developing a positive community for children and youth

Multilevel Goals

  1. To unify the individual, school, family and community with a universal philosophy and a common language
  2. To encourage accountability across the social strata
  3. To develop adults who model and practice the positive actions they are teaching students and expecting them to use
  4. To teach the intuitive philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions
  5. To teach that thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to feelings about yourself and feelings lead back to thoughts in a circle
  6. To teach the importance of interconnectedness among social ecologies and influences - To teach positive actions for the physical, intellectual, social and emotional areas