Gifted and Talented Education Enrichment Curriculum.

character education curriculum programs

Gifted and talented programs can benefit from Positive Action lessons when students learn valuable leadership skills from role-playing and conflict-resolution activities. These students will also benefit from lessons that teach effective study habits. Such lessons further reinforce the concepts of time and resource management, which greatly benefit students who pursue opportunities in higher education.

These settings are also an opportunity to extend Positive Action beyond the scripted lesson. It only takes a little effort to find additional resources that dovetail with specific Positive Action units or lessons. With a little research, Teachers can create their own extended Positive Action lessons for gifted and talented students.

This intensive approach can also affect the general student population, since these future leaders will share their experiences with the rest of the class and reinforce the concepts they are learning in their main classrooms. This type of peer reinforcement is a powerful agent, helping promote stronger social bonds and increasing interest in future Positive Action lessons among the general student body.

Gifted and talented students are more likely to become leaders in their schools and communities. Conflict resolution is a skill that any student can learn, but social leaders are often in positions to successfully intervene in conflicts. The role of social arbiter is important, as students look to their peers and leaders to set normative behavior.

Positive Action can enhance existing Gifted and Talented programs with effects in multiple domains. These students will benefit academically and socially from the skills they learn from Positive Action lessons, and they will develop leadership capabilities through role-playing scenarios.