Sep 13 2023
Updated at: Jul 16 2024

4 Effective Classroom Management Strategies & Techniques for 2023

Positive Action Staff
School days can be a whirlwind of pressures for students, from academic expectations to navigating social dynamics and peer influences. In such a challenging environment, an inspiring classroom experience can make a positive change.

Do you notice how your students usually race for the door the second the bell rings?

What if they’re having too much fun to even notice that class is over?

What if they’re so engrossed in whatever they’re working on that you were the one who had to remind them it’s time to take a break?

This scenario reflects the effectiveness of classroom management strategies and techniques that create a positive and engaging learning environment.

When students are fully engaged, they become active participants in their own learning journey. They’re motivated, focused, and genuinely interested in the tasks at hand.

This level of engagement can be achieved through various approaches, such as incorporating interactive and hands-on activities, personalized learning materials, and experiential learning opportunities. 

We will discuss these approaches in further detail below. We will also address the following topics:

  • How to make sure that all your students, including those who struggle with learning disabilities, feel accepted and nurtured
  • How Positive Action’s Programs and Curriculum help you make learning fun and engaging through plays, games, and stickers
  • How to guide your students in developing a positive self-concept that helps them identify their individual interests, strengths, and goals

Now, let’s examine the four surefire classroom management techniques and strategies that will revolutionize the learning experience for your students forever.

1 - Leverage Personalized Learning

young girl working in her workbookPhoto by Jason Sung on Unsplash

As an educator, there’s something fulfilling about seeing your students exhibit a strong sense of ownership and agency over their learning. 

The light in their eyes as they actively engage in various activities that align with their personal interests, strengths, and goals is absolutely luminous, and you can’t help but feel a deep contentment.

These are all normal occurrences in a classroom that implements personalized learning based on character education values. 

Positive Action’s Grade 4 Kit will help your students explore new frontiers within themselves and set the stage for personalized learning.

In the third unit of this kit, your students are introduced to Shannon through a story called “Lost in Space.” 

Her spaceship crash-lands on Planet Foton, and she must manage various aspects of her life, such as time, energy, and her feelings, to repair her spaceship and go back home.

Shannon goes through a series of relatable scenarios that encourage your students to reflect on their own abilities, challenges, and strategies for personal growth.

The program also provides a comprehensive set of resources, including activity booklets, posters, journals, and game boards, that support personalized learning by providing interactive and hands-on activities that cater to different learning styles and preferences.

Overall, this evidence-based program encourages personalized learning by connecting your students to relatable stories, introducing thought-provoking posters, and incorporating challenging experiences.

These experiences foster self-reflection, goal-setting, and the development of positive character traits in your students.

After completing this lesson, collaborate with your students to create personalized learning profiles by having them write down the academic goals, interests, and character traits that they wish to develop. 

Next, you simply have to create flexible learning paths for each student. 

To illustrate, let's say one of your students expresses an interest in science and a desire to improve their teamwork skills.

Set them up with students who share similar interests and have teamwork on an inquiry-based learning science group project together.

This allows them to explore their passion for the subject and collaborate with each other to learn the importance of effective communication and cooperation.

Fourth grade is where I changed my life around. I felt like I wasn’t being threatened. I felt safe. I made new friends and didn’t care to fight. I realized I’m great at science, math, and of course, PE. It’s a lot more fun to be in class…” — Jason

2 - Integrate Experiential Learning

teacher actively working with her studentsPhoto by CDC on Unsplash

The problem with traditional learning is that it’s teacher-centered, meaning the student is more a passive listener and, in most cases, barely engaged or immersed in the learning experience.

However, you might notice a huge shift when you provide students with real-world, immersive learning opportunities that allow them to apply their knowledge, skills, and character values in meaningful contexts.

This concept is referred to as experiential learning, and in the context of Character Education, it’s attributed as an approach that combines hands-on experiences with intentional reflection and the promotion of positive character traits.

Applying this strategy aims to develop your students' character, moral reasoning, and social-emotional skills while enhancing their academic understanding.

A great example of the power of experiential learning is our Grade 7 Kit

Your students are introduced to a radio drama called “We’re on Our Way,” which tackles real-life situations involving students in middle school.

By engaging with the characters of the drama and their experiences, students can explore and discuss the issues in a more comfortable and representative manner, promoting open dialogue and reflection.

Additionally, in Unit 1, students become their own “self-concept scientists” by applying the scientific method of asking questions, forming hypotheses, collecting data about themselves, and analyzing the results. 

Overall, Positive Action’s Curriculum and Programs are based on experiential learning principles that keep students actively engaged in their learning process.

In this scenario, the combination of radio dramas, personal assessments, and hands-on activities motivates your students to participate, explore ideas, and apply their learning to real-life situations.

3 - Use Response to Intervention

Not all of your students are the same. A small percentage of them learn and think differently from their classmates. 

They may be incredibly intelligent but are limited by the following:

  • Learning disabilities such as dyslexia
  • Poor organizational skills that could lead to academic failure
  • Behavioral challenges such as disruptive classroom behavior

As a result, these students may experience frustration and feelings of isolation because they are left behind while their classmates seem to be carrying on fine.

Unsurprisingly, their frustration may manifest in disciplinary issues and withdrawn engagement in the classroom. 

Catering to the needs of these students requires an approach that integrates academic support and character development in a classroom setting. 

Response to Intervention (RTI) provides targeted interventions for students who are struggling academically or behaviorally.

It is a multi-tiered approach that incorporates data-based decision-making, evidence-based interventions, and ongoing progress monitoring to meet the diverse needs of your students in the classroom. 

To learn more about this approach and see it in action, watch the video below

Response to Intervention learning approach

Positive Action’s RTI Curriculum and Program is the only evidence-based intervention program recognized by the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) to improve academics and behavior through Character Education.

Our RTI curriculum focuses on teaching critical prerequisite skills for learning academics, such as self-regulation, perseverance, and goal setting, to help students develop a strong foundation for academic success.

For instance, in our Grade 2 Kit, your students meet Eric the Elephant, who reminds them to always choose positive actions over negative ones. 

Eric helps them understand what a self-concept is and how practicing positive actions contributes to feeling good about themselves

Whenever your students engage in a positive action, they sign a poster, and at the end of the unit, they receive an Eric the Elephant sticker.

Students with varying needs in our RTI program can find a sense of belonging and achievement by actively participating in positive actions and receiving recognition through the poster and badge system. 

Our Guarantee: All of Positive Action’s evidence-based programs foster a positive classroom environment and motivate students to engage in behavior that supports their academic and social-emotional development.

4 - Practice Interdisciplinary Teaching

Want a universal remedy that’ll get your students 99 percent engaged?

Give interdisciplinary teaching a test run.

According to a research study conducted in 2002, when students are repeatedly exposed to interdisciplinary practices, they develop enhanced critical thinking prowess and an increased self-awareness of their strengths and weaknesses.

By going beyond traditional compartmentalized subjects, it encourages your students to explore connections, relationships, and real-world applications across various fields of study.

When your students explore topics and themes from different perspectives, they develop a deeper understanding of them and make connections between different subject areas.

Interdisciplinary learning breaks down the barriers in the classroom, promoting a more comprehensive and meaningful learning experience for your students.

As always, Positive Action not only integrates this learning concept in our High School 2 Kit, but we made it so fun and engaging that your students will never want to leave your class.

The kit contains a play called “Lives on the Line,” which serves as a central component that incorporates multiple subjects, such as literature, history, science, and art.

The play's storyline revolves around a group of diverse teen characters who must cooperate and work together to overcome challenges

In this cooperative learning environment, your students are encouraged to collaborate, communicate, and develop interpersonal skills

They learn the value of teamwork, respect for others, and effective communication, which are essential for interdisciplinary collaboration.

The table below highlights some additional benefits of using interdisciplinary teaching in classrooms:

Benefit Description
Enhances critical thinking skills Students develop the ability to analyze complex problems from multiple perspectives, make connections across disciplines, and think critically to solve real-world challenges
Promotes holistic understanding Interdisciplinary teaching allows students to see the interconnectedness of knowledge and concepts, fostering a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of subjects
Encourages creativity and innovation By integrating different disciplines, students are inspired to think creatively, make unique connections, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems
Increases student engagement and motivation: Interdisciplinary approaches make learning more engaging and relevant, as students see the practical applications of knowledge across disciplines, fostering intrinsic motivation
Prepares for real-world challenges and careers Interdisciplinary teaching equips students with the versatile skills and adaptability needed in the modern workforce, where multidisciplinary collaboration is increasingly valued
Enhances problem-solving skills Students learn to approach complex problems from various angles, integrating knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines to develop innovative solutions
Cultivates transferable skills Interdisciplinary teaching nurtures skills such as critical thinking, research abilities, adaptability, effective communication, and interdisciplinary thinking that can be applied in various contexts and future endeavors
Fosters appreciation for diversity and global perspectives Through interdisciplinary studies, students gain exposure to different cultures, perspectives, and worldviews, fostering tolerance, empathy, and a global mindset
Encourages lifelong learning Interdisciplinary teaching instills a curiosity for knowledge, an eagerness to explore connections between disciplines, and a lifelong pursuit of learning and intellectual growth

Your students will use virtual reality and time travel to visit Hawaii, Egypt, the 1930s, and the future to connect historical events, scientific concepts, and cultural contexts, promoting a holistic understanding of various disciplines.

Overall, the play prompts students to think critically about their actions and decisions, and the consequences they may have. 

As a result, your students develop higher-order thinking skills, analyze ethical dilemmas, and consider the impact of their choices on themselves and others. 

The kit also contains other interactive materials that foster discussions, activities, and reflection in your students. 

If you would like to take a look at some of these materials, we provide a free sample lesson to help you get the gist of what our research-based programs have to offer.

Pave the Way to a More Disciplined and Engaged Classroom

Now you know the secret to never having to face learning and discipline problems in your classroom ever again.

Implementing a classroom management strategy that teaches your students the importance of practicing positive actions.

Your students are going to be too busy enjoying the personalized learning materials you curated just for them or tackling the real-life scenarios that your experiential learning program throws at them to misbehave.

Moreover, instead of isolating students who might be struggling to learn as traditional teaching strategies do, Positive Action’s RTI program equips them with the necessary skills they need to keep up with their classmates and not feel left out.

The result? A harmonious learning environment that contributes positively to the overarching school climate.

Positive Action has been providing evidence-based programs and curricula since 1982. 

Statistics: Today, our methods are used in all 50 states of America, helping over 8 million students from 25,000 schools and community organizations.

Our program shows an 85% reduction in disciplinary referrals, and we’re proud to have been granted accolades from the U.S. Department of Education.

We would love to get you on a 30-minute overview webinar to discuss our content, kits, programs, lessons, and research or answer any questions you may have. 

Simply email us at to get started. 

“The philosophy of the Positive Action program is that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions for your whole self: the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional areas. Having these holistic skills prepares you in every way; you can have healthy emotional well-being as well as success in academics—you don’t have to choose.” — Dr. Carol Allred, developer of the Positive Action program
