Life Skills Articles

Read the latest articles about life skills and discover the impact they bring in schools, communities and families.

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Summer's just around the corner, and what better way to light up our kids' vacation than with some super fun learning adventures? At Positive Action, we're pumped to bring the magic of our educational programs from classrooms to summer camps and Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. Let's dive into how we're mixing things up!

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Ah, summer! It's that glorious time of year when the days are long, the nights are warm, and school is out. Both kids and teachers breathe a sigh of relief as they step away from the structured school year into the freedom of summer.

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Why Should We Be Teaching Life Skills in Schools in 2023

As we continue to navigate through the modern-day challenges brought about by rapidly evolving technology, globalization, and most recently, a worldwide pandemic, the necessity of equipping our younger generations with practical life skills has never been more glaringly apparent. Schools in 2023 are slowly but steadily realizing that academic performance alone does not measure their students' ability to succeed in adult life.

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When equipped with essential life skills, children can soar high and conquer any challenge in today’s rapidly changing world.

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It's every youngster’s dream to leave the nest and live on their own once they turn 18. Before you know it, they’ll be driving, graduating, and moving out.

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