impact of parental involvement
Jul 25 2023
Updated at: Oct 08 2024

The Impact of Parental Involvement: Statistics on Academic Success

Positive Action Team
Uncover the powerful influence of parental involvement on academic success. Explore the benefits of active engagement in children's educational outcomes.

Did you know that your child's education actually begins right at home

You, as their first teacher, play a vital role in shaping their character and setting the stage for their academic journey. 

As a supportive guide on their path to education, you have the power to inspire them to reach new heights with your encouragement, guidance, and involvement.

But your involvement doesn’t end at home.

Actively participating in your child’s school activities is equally important. This can take place by: 

  • Regularly attending parent-teacher conferences that allow you to meet with your child's teachers, discuss their progress, and address any concerns.
  • Volunteering in the classroom to assist your child’s teachers with various activities like organizing class events, reading to students, and supervising field trips.
  • Attending and participating in school events such as concerts, plays, science fairs, or sports days.
  • Engaging in discussions with your child about their homework and projects, helping them with research, and generally providing guidance.

Your role as a parent goes beyond being a caregiver. You are a key player in shaping your child's education and future success.

And we have a wealth of statistics to substantiate this claim:

Students with supportive parents are 81% more likely to graduate from high school

high school graduation celebrationPhoto by Steven Abraham on Unsplash

This incredible statistic highlights the profound impact a parent’s involvement can have on a child's educational journey.

Being a supportive parent means being there for your child every step of the way, cheering them on, and providing the guidance they need to succeed. 

By becoming involved in their academic life, you’re showing them that their education truly matters. You become their biggest cheerleader, their advocate, and their source of inspiration.

The results? Your child feels a stronger sense of belonging and support. They’re more likely to have high self-esteem, greater motivation, and increased confidence in their abilities. These factors will create a positive ripple effect throughout their entire educational experience.

Moreover, parental involvement extends beyond the academic realm

When you actively participate in school activities, such as attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering, or joining the PTA, you become integral members of the school community. 

This parent-teacher collaboration fosters a holistic approach to education, ensuring that your child receives consistent support both at home and in the classroom.

As a result, they’ll develop stronger study habits, better organizational skills, and improved problem-solving abilities. They’re also more likely to seek help when needed, engage in meaningful discussions, and take ownership of their learning

With a solid foundation of support, they’ll navigate challenges with resilience and develop the skills to overcome obstacles in their educational journey. What’s more, these skills will continue to serve them until they graduate from higher learning institutions.

Students who discuss school courses with their parents have 44% higher odds of attending post-secondary education

students attending a class lecturePhoto by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

There are numerous benefits to actively engaging in discussion with your child about their schoolwork. These benefits include a significantly higher likelihood of attending post-secondary education. 

When you discuss your child’s school courses with them, you gain a deeper understanding of their academic interests, strengths, and challenges. 

This knowledge then allows you to provide targeted support and guidance, helping your child to make informed decisions about their future educational path.

Conversations about school courses also expose your child to a broader range of educational opportunities. 

You can share insights about different post-secondary options, such as colleges, universities, vocational programs, or trade schools. Doing so will encourage your child to explore various career paths, leading to a higher likelihood of them pursuing further education.

Having meaningful discussions about school with your child can also boost their motivation and aspirations. 

When they feel supported and encouraged, children develop a greater sense of confidence and belief in their ability to succeed academically. This heightened motivation propels them towards pursuing post-secondary education as a natural progression of their educational journey.

Students who lack academic support and supervision are 34% more likely to drop out of school

This interesting statistic signifies a correlation between parental involvement, particularly in the form of academic support and supervision, and student success. 

Academic involvement can include activities like helping with homework, discussing things that happened at school, and monitoring their overall academic progress. 

Without your involvement, your child may struggle with their schoolwork and feel disengaged or disconnected from their education, which can make them more likely to drop out.

Parental involvement is crucial in a student's academic journey. Fostering this involvement could be a significant strategy in combating high school dropout rates. 

To address this issue, here are two ideas you can think about at home, as a family:

  • Parent-teacher collaboration: Regularly communicating with your child’s teachers will ensure that you're aware of their academic progress and any areas of difficulty they may be having. This will allow you to provide targeted support at home.
  • Homework help: Establish a regular homework schedule and provide assistance if needed. This not only provides academic support but also demonstrates to your child that you value their education.

Students with parents who hold low expectations of them, specifically expecting them to only complete high school, are 5x more likely to leave school during the eighth grade compared to those whose parents have higher expectations

Your academic expectations play a crucial role in shaping your child’s mindset, motivation, and commitment to their education.

When you set low expectations for them, they may end up with a limited mindset or even lack the ambition to pursue their education beyond high school. 

This increases their likelihood of disengaging from school and ultimately dropping out, especially when faced with challenges or difficulties such as academic struggles, substance abuse, and financial constraints.

On the other hand, having high expectations for your child’s studies, such as expecting them to pursue further education or achieve higher academic goals, fosters a sense of motivation and accountability in them.

When they know that you have high expectations regarding their education, they’ll see their academic success as a priority and do everything within their power to succeed. 

They’re more inclined to stay focused on their studies, persevere through obstacles, strive for academic success, and ultimately complete their high school education.

You can demonstrate your high expectations for your child’s academic success by: 

  • Communicating your expectations clearly: Have open and honest conversations with your child about the importance of education and the value of completing their studies. This will help them understand why they need to prioritize their education and instill a sense of responsibility in them.
  • Setting realistic goals: Work with them to set realistic and achievable academic goals that align with their abilities and interests. A simple goal could be increasing their overall grade point average (GPA) by a certain amount or percentage from the previous semester.
  • Collaborating with their educators: Establishing regular communication and collaboration with your child's teachers will allow you to stay informed about their progress, address any concerns promptly, and work together to support their overall academic development.

57.5% of senior high school students strongly agree that having a strong parental involvement relationship leads to high academic performance

Clearly, students understand the strong correlation between your involvement as a parent, and their academic performance.

When you actively participate in your child’s academic life, they’ll see it as motivation to work harder and attain high grades in school.

It also provides them with emotional support and creates a positive and nurturing environment that they need in order to succeed. 

Your involvement can include setting clear expectations and goals for their education. When they realize that you’ll hold them accountable for their academic results, they’re likely to be more motivated to strive for excellence and maintain consistent effort in their studies.

Being an involved parent also means:

  • Guiding your child and helping them with academic tasks, such as doing their homework, clarifying technical school terms, and supporting their learning outside the classroom. 
  • Providing your child with access to educational resources, such as books, educational websites, or tutoring services, which can further support their academic development.

These efforts will collectively improve your child’s overall performance. 

Just remember that your involvement is most effective when it’s balanced and tailored to the individual needs of your child. 

Your child is unique from everyone else’s, and what works for one may not work for another. 

Expert Tip: Establish a supportive and collaborative relationship with your child and their educators, as this will foster a conducive learning environment both at home and in school.

Students with involved parents have a 98% average school attendance rate, which contributes significantly to academic achievement

young boy sitting for an examPhoto by Ben Mullins on Unsplash

A high attendance rate has a major impact on your child’s overall success and academic achievement. 

When students attend school regularly, they receive consistent access to learning opportunities. Each day in the classroom presents new content, opportunities for discussion, and interactions that contribute to their intellectual and social development

Regular attendance also ensures that your child won’t miss out on important lessons, instructions, or collaborative activities that are crucial for their academic progress.

But your child’s attendance rate majorly depends on your involvement in their school life. 

By actively participating in their education, you'll have the opportunity to set clear expectations regarding their regular attendance. 

You’ll also let them know that attending school every day is a priority and emphasize the value of being present for learning. 

This consistent message helps to instill a sense of responsibility in them and commit them to attending school regularly.

Some of the strategies you can use to ensure a high attendance rate for your children include: 

  • Establishing a routine: Consistent daily routines, such as regular bedtimes and wake-up times, will help them understand that attending school is a non-negotiable part of their daily life.
  • Leading by example: Model good attendance behavior by demonstrating your own commitment to work or other responsibilities. When your child sees you prioritize attendance and consistency, they’re more likely to internalize the importance of being present themselves.
  • Monitoring and tracking attendance: Regularly monitor your child's attendance records and stay informed about any absences or tardiness. By staying vigilant, you can identify patterns or issues early on and take appropriate action. 
  • Celebrating attendance milestones: Take note of and celebrate your child's consistent attendance. This helps to reinforce the value of attendance and motivates them to continue with the habit. 

This can involve acknowledging milestones, such as completing a full week or month of school without absences, and rewarding them for their effort and commitment. 

Benefit: By expressing their expectations and holding their child accountable, parents help children establish a sense of responsibility and commitment to attending school consistently.

62.1% of students agree that parental involvement boosts self-esteem, a major key to achieving high academic performance

This particular statistic highlights the significant role that your involvement plays in fostering positive self-esteem in your child, which, in turn, contributes to a high academic performance. 

When you consistently show love, acceptance, and support to your child, they’ll develop a sense of belonging and feel safe in expressing themselves. This emotional security lays the foundation for building a positive self-image.

A positive self-image will keep them more motivated and persistent in their academic pursuits. They’ll believe in their abilities and be confident about overcoming challenges and achieving their goals. 

They’ll also remain focused, work hard, and persist even when faced with difficulties, ultimately boosting their academic performance.

And when you genuinely listen to their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, it gives them the impression that you value their opinions and experiences. This validation makes them feel heard, understood, and supported, positively impacting their self-esteem.

Generally speaking, your involvement in your children’s school life will empower them to develop a positive self-image and belief in their abilities. 

This will, in turn, reduce their fear of failure. They‘ll view setbacks or mistakes as learning opportunities rather than personal flaws or indicators of incompetence. 

With this kind of mindset, your child will be willing to take risks, try new approaches, and learn from their mistakes without being overly discouraged. They’ll be more likely to persevere in the face of setbacks, leading to greater academic success.

You can help improve your child’s self-esteem by: 

  • Providing unconditional love and acceptance: Make it clear that the love and support you show your child is not dependent on their academic achievements. Let them know that their grades and test scores do not solely define their worth.
  • Fostering a positive home environment: Create a supportive and nurturing atmosphere at home. Always encourage them to openly communicate their challenges, and actively listen to them.

95% of students with actively involved parents have better mental and physical well-being, providing them with a good foundation to excel academically

Being actively involved in your child's life—offering them emotional support, guidance, and a nurturing environment—will contribute to their overall well-being, as revealed by this statistic.

Active participation in your child’s life involves promoting healthy habits, such as providing them with proper nutrition, involving them in regular physical activity, and creating a supportive home environment that prioritizes mental health

This positive involvement will help them develop resilience, cope with stress, and maintain a balanced lifestyle, which will ultimately improve their mental and physical well-being.

And when your child’s mental and physical well-being are cared for, they’re more likely to be engaged, focused, and motivated in their academic pursuits. 

They’ll experience:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels
  • Improved concentration in the classroom
  • Enhanced memory and learning
  • Improved cognitive abilities

All these are crucial factors that contribute to their ability to excel academically.

By supporting your child’s overall well-being, you’ll create an environment where they can reach their full potential and achieve academic success.

You can help improve their mental and physical well-being through the following steps: 

  • Nurture positive relationships: Encourage them to build positive relationships with their peers, teachers, and mentors, who will provide emotional support, guidance, and a listening ear during challenging times.
  • Serve as a positive role model: Children will do what their parents do, not say. So model healthy behaviors and self-care practices they can emulate, and show them the importance of setting boundaries, managing stress, and prioritizing their physical and mental well-being.
  • Teach them stress management techniques: Help them develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress by teaching them relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices, which will help reduce anxiety and improve their focus in school.

Enhance Your Child’s Academic Success With Positive Action

Parents have a significant influence on their children, surpassing that of friends, teachers, or school administration.

As such, active parental engagement is crucial as it inspires and motivates children to develop good learning habits, participate more in the classroom, and foster an overall positive attitude towards education.

The table below highlights a few ways in which parents can be involved in a child's academic success and the impact this can have on their academic success:

Parental Action Impact On Academic Success
Establishing a routine Promotes discipline and time management skills
Creating a conducive study environment Enhances focus and concentration
Setting clear expectations and goals Motivates and provides direction
Providing educational resources Supports learning and exploration
Encouraging regular communication with teachers Facilitates feedback and involvement
Monitoring and assisting with homework Reinforces understanding and fosters learning
Encouraging extracurricular activities Promotes holistic development and social skills
Offering praise and recognition for achievements Boosts confidence and self-esteem
Being involved in school activities Demonstrates support and interest in education
Cultivating a love for learning Nurtures curiosity and lifelong learning habits

Positive Action offers Parental Class Curriculum and Programs that assist parents in getting and staying involved in the school lives of their children.

The Family Kit is a user-friendly curriculum comprising seven units and six lessons designed to strengthen family relationships and foster students' interest in learning.

Each lesson can be completed in just 15 minutes and can be taught once a week or according to a predetermined schedule. This flexibility makes it a convenient curriculum that can easily fit into your busy family schedule.

Positive Action also offers the Family Classes Kit, which includes the Family Kit along with four instructor manuals for kids, adolescents, parents, and the family as a whole. 

These classes are conducted over seven sessions, each lasting two hours. The main focus is teaching positive family behaviors that will help family members become engaged parents and successful students.

These family programs have proven effective in increasing parental involvement in their child’s education, creating a positive learning environment both at school and at home, ultimately leading to improved academic achievements.
